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Manage Physical Commodity Transactions and Hedges

Optimizing hedge scenarios with a CTRM

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Oahu Capital's approach will help your business hedging needs from handling derivative strategies that help preserve your profit margins and easily manage workflows in your organization.  Whether you're a 3 person trading hub or a large scaled operation requiring an enterprise solution, you'll be able to seamlessly transition from antiquated legacy systems and manual spreadsheets to cloud based efficiency.

As a registered Commodity Trade Advisor, Oahu's team will assess your business cycle devising hedge strategies, trade policies, hedge accounting with an effective CTRM. You want to effectively scale your business by managing physical transactions against derivative hedges and we're here to help you make it happen! ION Group has consolidated the best in space of CTRM solutions with Aspect, OpenLink, TriplePoint.

Use the CTRM designed to best serve you in Agriculture, Metals, Energy, FX, Interest Rates, Petrochemical

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Manage your commodity risk

Sign up and see how a U.S. business importing from Europe hedged exposure to rising costs (FX risk)

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(Coffee, Cocoa, Grains, Fuels, Electricity, Gas, FX)

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