
How it works


Oahu Capital works with institutional banking and finance partners to serve businesses dealing in bulk commodity trade.

  • USD $1-15MM transaction size in the bulk commodity market

  • Take outright ownership of the underlying commodity being sold

  • Inventory / Processing Deals / Shipment Financing Primary Focus

  • No limit on Commodity or Countries (except for sanctioned or embargo

In addition to assisting with short term financial solutions, Oahu and its partners are also able to assist clients with managing the flow of physical commodities using a digital platform to handle and scale number of transactions.  This includes electronic bills of lading, documentation processing. automated insurance services for cargo risk, and other standard shipping / storage risk coverage.



Oahu Capital and its partners are able to process transactions quicker and more cost effectively than traditional bank processes. By adopting the latest digital approaches to documentation flow in the Trade Finance process, SME clients gain better support over traditional institutions.

By taking an asset backed investment approach through fungible commodities instead of direct lending through balance sheets, the process better meets the demands in a procurement cycle.

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Manage your commodity risk

Sign up and see how a U.S. business importing from Europe hedged exposure to rising costs (FX risk)

Receive Case Studies on Commodity Hedging 
(Coffee, Cocoa, Grains, Fuels, Electricity, Gas, FX)

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Check mark 25x25 Dynamic Hedging Management 

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